Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

091011 ♡

Happy 6th monthsarry for me and u. Long last for us and keep loving each other♡ . 
love ya dhika :* ({})

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

i want to have a close friend

Menurut gue malem minggu itu identik sama main dan gak membosankan tapi kenapa malem minggu gue selalu flat. Mau hari ini malem minggu atau malem senin atau malem jumat sekalipun tetep aja begini begini aja. Hidup gue gak asik. Sesuatu bangat yah. My life is not same with others. Kasian bangat gue gak boleh main malem padahal udah SMA. My dad always think that i still little girl. Poor my life.

Dulu jaman jamannya gue masih Smp, kalo malem minggu itu temen gue selalu kerumah buat main bareng sama gue, Curhat atau apalah di rumah gue dan kebiasaan temen gue itu makan mi goreng bikinan gue. Jadi kalo dia main, udah disiapin mi goreng terus nanti gue yang bikin buat dia. Tapi semenjak kelas 9 akhir itu dia jadi jarang main sama gue.

Gue dirumah gak punya temen. Hmmm ada sih tapi gak deket. Dan juga sekarang gue males ngt keluar main gitu sama temen rumah soalnya ya semenjak mereka udah lulus smp pergaulan mereka udah pada kelewat batas nah makanya itu gue males bgt kalo buat disuruh ikut ikutan main sama mereka dan bukan berarti gue sombong juga gak mau main sama mereka

Dan semenjak itu ya temen gue dirumah cuma hp. And I want to have a close friend who just like me and one mind with what I think. And my close friend is always there for me, listened to all my stories and not hypocritical. Dan dia itu perempuan. Biar tau seluk beluk cewek itu gimana hahahaha

Dan kenapa gue nulis NOT HYPOCRITICAL soalnya gue sering nemuin temen gue yang kaya gini. Dan gak enak bgt kalo punya temen yang kaya gini. Its the reason why i never telling bout my problem to my friends. Sorry. But i love my close friends is mine so much. They makes my life rock /m\

Minggu, 25 September 2011

why tonight i feel like this?

 this monday night and i have to sleep but i think this shit before i sleep...

I've started to feel everything is different. everything is already not like before anymore. I know this is not me who changed what you had changed. I know we are not a school as before, would all be different. like now we get to see it because of habit and probably texting every night. but now we've rarely met, and perhaps to texting also already rare as before. maybe you think if I've not actually care about you but no, I love you. I always thought that if you do not love me. in my heart, I always ask if you really love me? Do you care about me? Do you lie? and I always said it was a lie, you do not love me. That's why I like that to you. And I do not know I should be doing let everything back as before. I want our first. I think better if we are break up , but I love you and I'm also not willing to have you later with other people besides me. what should I do to keep things running smoothly and we stay together?

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

three years at jonior high school. ( short story)

How it feels when we will all be split up? how well it's been building a solid friendship and will end. Hard and was happy to have us live together. Will be back as usual? time will be in play again? Will the good times will return? I miss with all of them. starting from the 7th grade, students begin to become 98 junior high school, holding mos for new students and grade placement exam. and in grade 72 I was there for class 7. new friends, and all the new atmosphere. I love the days when I was in Grade 7. and the most enjoyable and very heaven fun when I was in grade 8. everything feels different when I was in Grade 8 . what's the difference? getting used to a new school, has a younger brother and sister grade class. I love the older classes.85 is my class. I often run away from class to the cafeteria. all the good times in grade 8. and the first time I was dating when I was in Grade 8. very nice! and grade 9! all seemed mingled in class 9. period of time to repent, start focusing on the national exam, during troubled times. labile love story. but all very enjoyable.and that is all that is felt for three years at junior high school.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Will i miss it?

Stay a few more months, I will leave my school. Leaving school is a lot of memories. Leaving for the future, a future where we will all be looking up a word that is "success". Definitely I'll miss the atmosphere of a junior high school. Starting from my friend friends, classroom, school environment, food in the cafeteria, teachers, and the most I miss is you! although graduation have not been announced, but it already feels from now, I began to miss with a learning atmosphere in class. I LOVE THIS SCHOOL!

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

I have failed to become a student of 28 SHS jakarta


HAHAHAHAHA NYEDIH! liat deh nilai gue hahaha yang bagus cuma bahasa indonesia doang. Emang gak layak deh jadi murid di SMA 28 hahaha. but........no problem, masih ada yang lain. Lagi pula gue juga gak terlalu di dukung masuk disana. Tapi semoga pas gue daftar di sma 38 bakal di terima. AMIN