Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Gives You Hell (Full Narrative Version)

my wishes

Happy birthday to me and my twins eka! Hopefully in the new age that i could pass the examination, test scores are all good, could be student of 38shs and can forget you slowly. Thats my wishes.

Makasih banyak buat semua temen temen yang udah ngucapin terutama bldb pas teng jam 12 malem terutama buat amira, anjiiiiiiiir ngakak bangat gue baca ucapan lo mi! "a very happy birthday to my bewak friends Sapi-Eka!!! Wish you both all the best in every single way and have a long life. i love you both more than my money" ngakak sumpah gua bacanya!

Udah hunting buku buku buat latihan UN, tnggal beli dan bener bener serius belajar. waktunya tinggal dikit, mau ikut bimbel tapi udah telat kayanya jadi apa boleh buat harus coba sendiri.

Buku tahunan kelas gue, tau ga tau ga tau ga gue sama siapa? sulton! aduh madesu bangat masyaoloh. semua gara gara temen sekelas gua yang aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa berak beneeeeeer! Pake ngadu nangis aaah culun!

"Tell me why you're so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.
Not over you...."

this song same as i felt. oke ga ngomong masalah itu ya cuma pingin masukin aja hehehe. but i'm serious, i want to forget you. i dont want to have feelings to you. thanks for everything. i would not expect you back. though it is difficult but I have to try it.

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are [Official Video]

all new in the new year

HAPPY NEW YEAR PEPS :) Telat bangat ngucapin ini hehehe. Tahun baru yeeeeeeeeah!!! hopefully in the new year I get everything I wanted. New year, new story, except you HAHAHAHAHA